Hangzhou Normal University


Founding Year


School Attribute

School Type

Number of enrolled students: 20166
Number of international students: 557
International Outlook: Ordinary

English teaching majors: 3

Average admission days: 7

Documents requirement standard: Normal

Service satisfaction: 9/10

Acceptance rate: 60%

Chance of getting scholarship: 50%


Hangzhou Normal University started as Zhejiang Official Level-Two Normal School in 1908.It was renamed Zhejiang Provincial First Normal School in 1913. In times of upheaval, the university set changes in motion and emerged as Zhejiang’s pioneer in democracy and science. Modern China found HZNU, although in its formative period, leading the way in art education to help pave the way for national liberation and the development of Chinese society and civilization. In 1978, Hangzhou Teachers College was formed on the basis of Hangzhou Normal School. At the turn of the 21st century, multiple institutions were successively combined with Hangzhou Teachers College. 2007 marked the birth of the new Hangzhou Teachers College, officially today’s Hangzhou Normal University. The journey was full of challenges, but we persevered. Along the way, we at Hangzhou Normal University, one generation after another, have united around our motto “Diligence, Caution, Integrity and Empathy, Broadness, Refinement, Thoroughness and Enterprise” to preach and practice teaching and learning as we moved with the times in an open and inclusive way while staying true to our shared vision. Since its 100th anniversary in 2008, HZNU has been pursuing a brand-new strategy of making itself a first-class university. A defining moment came when HZNU, which is now among China’s top 100, was put on Zhejiang’s agenda for key universities in 2017. With 19 schools, 1 public teaching units and 1 affiliated hospital, Hangzhou Normal University has Cangqian, Xiasha and Yuhuangshan campuses, covering a total area of about 240 hectares, with a total construction area of 2.4 million square meters. It has nearly 2200 staff members and 1500 full-time teachers,and more than 22,000 full-time students, including more than 17,000 undergraduates, over 2,700 graduate students, and about 2,000 international students. Represented by 1 full time and 4 shared academicians from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 10 academics participating in the national “Thousand Talents Plan”, 5 Chang Jiang Scholars and 7 Distinguished Young Scholars, the University glitters with a galaxy of high-level scholars and scientists who are widely acknowledged provincially and nationally. With its hard work, HZNU has been gaining strength and showing great advancement. Its four pillar disciplines are enabling the development of its emerging disciplines. With 4 of its disciplines in the top 1% of international ESI disciplines, the University is now among China’s top 100 by ESI ranking and has secured a leading position among its provincial peers when it comes to the overall strength of disciplines. HZNU keeps a close eye on the Belt and Road Initiative and follows closely what is going on globally. The University, which is among the first to be accredited by CEAIE for international student education,co-runs a Confucius Institute in partnership with Middle Tennessee State University in the United States.Friendly ties have been established with over 70 renowned universities around the world, confirming its belief that openness and inclusiveness should be the tone for international exchanges.

Recommend Major

Program Degree Language Tuition RMB/Year Apply



Application Tips
Age requirements: 18-30 for language students and bachelor degree, master degree under 35 years old, PhD under 40 years old. Educational Requirements: high school graduation or above for language students and bachelor degree applicants; bachelor degree graduation or equivalent for master degree applicants; master degree graduation or equivalent for PhD applicants. Academic requirements: average score above 75% without failed subject. Documents requirements: in addition to basic materials such as passports, highest education certificate and transcripts, it is recommended to prepare other materials that can enhance your competitiveness, such as award certificates, multinational company internship certificates, principal recommendation letters, and specialty certificates, etc.